Northwestern Law Application Portal

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Northwestern Pritzker Law offers a number of degrees and programs of study, from primary JD programs to master in laws (LLM) to our Master of Science in Law. Use the buttons below to navigate to the correct type of application


Already Started an Application?

If you have already created an account and started an application, click the button below to login and continue your application.

Login To Your Account

Create an Account

Take the first step toward applying by creating an account. Once you create an account you will be able to start your application for either the full-time residential or the part-time online program.

Create a New Account

Submitted Your Application through LSAC?

Click the button below to login to your
Slate portal to see the status
of your application.

Login To Your Account

Submitted Your Application through LSAC?

Click the button below to login to your
Slate portal to see the status
of your application.