Once you have been placed on the waiting list
We will send you a letter with your waiting list status, including the name of your treating specialist.
Treating specialist
A doctor who is an expert in a specific area of medicine. They will arrange the specialised type of care or surgery you need for your illness or injury.
We will also let your General Practitioner (GP) know.
Some things to remember:
- Make sure you keep us up to date with any changes to your contact information, including phone numbers and your home address.
- Make sure you tell us if anything changes with your condition or your health, and you no longer require surgery. We suggest you do this through your GP.
- Let us know if you are unavailable for surgery so we don’t call you and offer you a surgery date. You can have a suspension placed on your waiting list for this time for social reasons. Your urgency category has a limit on how long you can have a social suspension.
- Let us know if you are on another hospital waiting list for another medical condition.
- Stay fit and well and check in regularly with your GP.
- We may ask you to come to the Preadmission Clinic for an appointment in the weeks or days before your surgery. Depending on your medical history we may arrange for this appointment to be done over the phone. Not everyone will need to come to a preadmission appointment. If you need one, we will call you or send you a letter with the details. We have more information about the Preadmission Clinic including where we are located, what you might need to bring and how long you will need to set aside for the appointment.