Lesson: Going Into God's Place (Joshua and the Battle of Jericho)

Ministry To Children

This Children’s Bible lesson continues the story of God’s people as they escape from Egypt and enter the promised land. It includes Joshua and the conquest of Jericho, but then continues through the period of Judges until the beginning of David’s reign. So, in overview fashion it covers several familiar Old Testament stories, including David and Goliath. Wow – big lesson!
Don’t over look the connection between Jesus and Joshua, this can be a powerful way to show how this story points to Jesus.
This lesson plan continues my children’s church curriculum based on &utm_medium=blogpartners”>The Big Picture Story Bible. You can modify these lessons for Sunday school or children’s church. I’m posting these lessons as a service to you, but you should modify my content to best fit the children in your ministry.
Optional Coloring Page: We’ve created a free Bible coloring page about Israel crossing into the promised land. It shows the priests leading them to cross the Jordan river on dry land.
Need more help? Check out these crafts for Sunday School and children’s Sunday school lessons.

Related Resource Links: Here are links to other websites that have free lessons plans (and more learning activities) about the Joshua and Jericho: Calvary Chapel Kids website |Joshua links from MSS crafts.

About This Joshua Bible Lesson

Learning Objectives: After this Bible lesson, children will demonstrate basic knowledge of the events of the Joshua and the Battle of Jericho by answering simple review questions.
Target Age Group: 5 – 10 years old
Bible Story: Joshua (overview)
Teaching Setting: This lesson was first taught in our children’s church on Sunday morning to about 25 children. Before the lesson, the children participated in several songs and group Bible memory exercises. Target length of this lesson is 20 minutes.
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