Designated terrorist entities

Government is determined that New Zealand and New Zealanders be neither the target nor source of terrorist activities.

The designation of terrorist entities is one measure New Zealand takes to contribute to the international campaign against terrorism. The Terrorism Suppression Act 2002 (TSA) provides for a list of terrorist entities to be established and maintained in New Zealand. Police are responsible for coordinating requests to the Prime Minister for designation as a terrorist entity.

A designation under New Zealand legislation freezes the assets of terrorist entities and makes it a criminal offence to participate in or support the activities of the designated terrorist entity. This includes in particular dealing with the property of the designated terrorist entity or making property or financial services available to the entity. Other support for terrorist activities such as fundraising and recruiting or harbouring terrorists is a criminal offence whether a group is designated or not.

New Zealand’s obligations to the United Nations

New Zealand has international counterterrorism obligations under a number of United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolutions.

Lists associated with Resolutions 1267/1989/2253 and 1988

The UNSC 1267/1989/2253 and 1988 Committees specifically obliges New Zealand to take action against those terrorist entities it lists. These UNSC-listed entities (ISIL (Daesh), Al-Qaida and the Taliban and associated individuals and organisations) are included as designated terrorist entities in the TSA.

Lists associated with Resolution 1373

UNSC Resolution 1373 obliges New Zealand (among other things) to outlaw the financing of, participation in and recruitment to, terrorist entities. The Resolution does not specifically identify those terrorist entities, so effectively leaves it to Member States to identify the entities against which they should act.
More information on the entities designated unilaterally by New Zealand are available on Lists associated with Resolution 1373.

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