Canada child benefit
If you have been impacted by wildfires or flooding across the country, you may experience a delay in the mail delivery of your CRA benefit and credit cheques. If you are affected, visit Canada Post for updates on your mail delivery. Use My Account to register for direct deposit and avoid interruptions to the tax refund or benefit payments.
Individuals need to provide proof of birth when applying for the Canada child benefit (CCB) for the first time.
The Canada child benefit (CCB) is administered by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). It is a tax-free monthly payment made to eligible families to help with the cost of raising children under 18 years of age. The CCB may include the child disability benefit and any related provincial and territorial programs.
- Who can apply - Canada child benefit
Who can get the Canada child benefit, who is primarily responsible for the care and upbringing of the child, and impact of shared custody on your benefits
- Apply - Canada child benefit
When and how to apply, and when you need to provide additional documents
- How much you can get - Canada child benefit
Estimate your payments, how and when payments are calculated, child disability benefit, and related provincial and territorial benefits
- Payment dates - Canada child benefit
Find out when the Canada child benefit is paid
- Keep getting your payments - Canada child benefit
Filing your tax returns, if payments stop or change, and informing us when your situation changes
- Contact the CRA - Canada child benefit
How to contact the CRA about the CCB and related provincial and territorial benefits
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