Online Services FAQs

No. E-filing is the electronic filing of documents with the Clerk's Office. See Florida Rule of Judicial Administration 2.515. Go to for more information on efiling. The efiling portal is located at:

Eservice is either the mandatory electronic mailing of documents between attorneys (see Rule of Judicial Administration 2.516) or the optional electronic mailing of orders by judges (see Rule of Judicial Administration 2.516 and 15th Judicial Circuit Administrative Order 2.310-10/12).

What is the 15th Judicial Circuit's online scheduling/eservice program?

The Fifteenth Judicial Circuit created its own eservice program as the current efiling system does not electronically serve the documents that have been filed. In order for judges to electronically serve orders and other documents, attorneys must register with the court so that the court has updated email addresses.

I haven't registered with the 15th Judicial Circuit but I am receiving electronic copies of orders. How is this possible?

The Rules of Judicial Administration allow electronic service regardless of whether you register with the circuit's online system. Your email address on file with the Florida Bar will auto populate into cases which are affiliated with your Florida Bar number.

I am attempting to register with the circuit's eservice system. What is a log in email address?

The log in email address is specific to a user. It is for log in purposes only. It should NOT be an email address shared by others. It is NOT the eservice email address. Your login email address is the initial default email address.

What is a default email address listed in the 15th Judicial Circuit's eservice system?

The default email is the email address on file with the Florida Bar. The attorney can change the default email address to anyone that he/she has added as an additional email recipient. This is an email address that can receive documents sent by the court.

Are default email addresses different than assigned email addresses?

Yes, default email addresses are registered as the email address to use in the absence of a specified one. This only comes in to play if an attorney registers more than three emails addresses to his/her name.

How many default email address can I have in the court's eservice system? You can have up to three default email addresses. Must I have three default email addresses?

No, you can have up to three default email addresses.

How many assigned email addresses (rather than default email addresses) can I have in the court's eservice system?

You can register and link as many email addresses as you like as long as the email addresses are associated with a user who lists the same law firm. However, you can only assign up to three email addresses per case.

Must I assign three email addresses to every case?

No, you MAY use up to three but you are not required to use more than one.

Why are not all of the pending cases that I am working on listed under my bar number?

The clerk's office connects a case to the bar numbers listed on the first pleadings filed by the parties. If a different attorney in the office signs his/her name to a subsequent paper (i.e. notice of hearing), the clerk's office will not know that a new attorney is involved in the case. If the attorney does not appear on the first pleading (complaint, answer etc.), then the attorney should file a Notice of Appearance which will alert the clerk to add the attorney as an attorney of record.

Why are cases that have been settled showing up in my list of pending cases?

Many cases are not properly closed out. If you have settled a case through mediation, make sure that a dismissal was filed after the mediator's report. Likewise, if you voluntarily dismiss a case, make sure that all parties and all claims/crossclaims/counterclaims are dismissed.

How do I remove an email address from my dropdown list?

At this time, email addresses cannot be removed. You can deactivate the email addresses as a "default" email address and ensure that it is not assigned to a specific case.

Why is my log in email address showing up as my default email address?

You can have the same email address for both the "log-in" email address and the "default" email address so long as the "default" email address is not shared by others in the firm (i.e.

Why is the system not allowing me to add a secondary email address?

A secondary email address can only be added once you have chosen a primary email address.