A set of flashcards below contains medical prefixes that are used to describe the position of or direction of a medical term.
The medical prefix term ab- means "away".
Example Word: ab/duct/ion
Word Breakdown: ab- is a prefix that means "away", duct is is a word root that means "to lead or to carry" and -ion is a suffix that means "action or process".
Definition: Abduction is a movement in which a limb or structure is pulled away from the body's median plane.
The medical prefix term ad- means "toward".
Example Word: ad/duct/ion
Word Breakdown: ad- means "toward", duct is a word root that means "to lead or to carry" and -ion is a suffix that means "action or process".
Definition: Adduction is the motion of pulling something toward the midline of the body or towards the midline of a limb.
The medical prefix term ambi- means "both".
Example Word: ambi/phil/ia
Word Breakdown: ambi- means "both", phil is a word root that means "attraction" and -ai is a suffix that means "condition".
Definition: Ambiphilia is an attraction to both men and women.
The medical prefix term ante- or anter(o)- means "anterior or front".
Example Word: anter(o)/sept/al
Word Breakdown: Anter(o)- means "front", sept is a word root for "septum", -al is a suffix that means to "pertaining to".
Definition: The term anteroseptal refers to the area in front of a septum, most notably the interventricular septum.
The medical prefix term circum- means "around" or "surrounding".
Example Word: circum/gastr/ic
Word Breakdown: Circum- means "around", gastr is a word root for "stomach", -ic is a suffix that means "pertaining to".
Definition: Circumgastric refers to the area surrounding a stomach.
The medical prefix term dextr(o)- means "right".
Example Word: dextr(o)/cardi/a
Word Breakdown: Dextr(o)- means "right", cardi is a word root for "heart", -a is a noun ending suffix with no specific meaning.
Definition: Dextrocardia is a congenital condition characterized by the abnormal position of the heart on the right side of the chest.
The medical prefix term dia- means "through".
Example Word: dia/lysis
Word Breakdown: Dia- is a prefix term that pertains to "through", and -lysis denotes "separating" or "dissolution".
Definition: When the kidneys stop working, dialysis removes and separates wastes and excess fluids from the blood through a machine to be cleaned.
The medical prefix term dors(o)- or dors(i)- means "back" or "posterior".
Example Word: dors(i)/flex/ion
Word Breakdown: Dors(i)- means "back", flex is a word root for "bend", -ion is a suffix that refers to "process".
Definition: Dorsiflexion can be described as the backward bending or contracting of your hands or feet.
The medical prefix term ect(o)- means "out" or "outside".
Example Word: ect(o)/derm
Word Breakdown: Ect(o)- means "outside", derm is a word root that refers to the "skin".
Definition: Following the formation of the three primary germ layers, the ectoderm is the outermost layer of cells of an embryo.
The medical prefix term end(o)- means "inside".
Example Word: end(o)/metr/i/um
Word Breakdown: End(o)- means "inside", metr/i is a combining form that refers to the "uterus", -um is a noun ending suffix with no specific meaning.
Definition: Endometrium is the innermost lining layer of the uterus.
More Examples of Medical Terms Starting in Endo-Endocardium: endo- ("inner" or "within") + cardi ("heart") + -um ("pertaining to").
Definition: The inner layer of the heart , consisting of a thin membrane lining the chambers of the heart and surrounding the heart valves.
Endocrinology: endo- ("inner" or "within") + crin/o ("to secrete") + -logy ("the study of").
Definition: The study of the glands that produce hormones to regulate the body's functions.
Endodontics: endo- ("inner" or "within") + odont ("tooth") + -ics ("pertaining to").
Definition: Branch of dentistry concerned with diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries of pulp and root of tooth.
Endometriosis: endo- ("inner" or "within") + metr ("uterus") + -osis ("abnormal condition").
Definition: Condition in which tissue similar to lining of uterus grows outside of uterus, often causing pain and fertility issues.
Endomyocardium: endo- ("inner" or "within") + my/o ("muscle") + cardi (meaning "heart") + -um (suffix indicating "pertaining to").
Definition: The inner layer of the heart muscle .
Endonuclease: endo- ("inner" or "within") + nucle (meaning "nucleus") + -ase ("enzyme").
Definition: An enzyme that breaks down the bonds within nucleic acids, such as DNA and RNA.
Endophthalmitis: endo- ("inner" or "within") + ophthalm (meaning "eye") + -itis (indicating "inflammation").
Definition: Inflammation of the inner structures of the eye , including the vitreous humor and the retina.
Endoplasm: endo-" ("inner" or "within") + -plasm ("living substance" or "tissue").
Definition: The inner , more granular portion of the cytoplasm in some cells, containing organelles such as ribosomes, mitochondria, and lysosomes.
Endorphin: end- ("inner" or "within") + -orphine (meaning "morphine").
Definition: A hormone produced by the pituitary gland that acts as a natural painkiller.
Endoskeleton: endo- ("inner" or "within") + skeleton ("skeleton").
Definition: An internal skeleton , as found in many invertebrates such as insects and crustaceans.
Endothelium: endo- ("inner" or "within") + theli (meaning "lining") + -um ("pertaining to").
Definition: The inner lining of certain body cavities, such as the blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and heart.