If you want to engage in regulated activities as a lender or hirer, you need to be authorised by us. Find out how to apply.
Read everything listed below
Start with our main 'how to apply' page for all firms
Prepare your application
Include your business plan and other supporting material
Pay the application fee
You must pay this in order to apply
Submit your application
You'll do this on our Connect system
This page is for:
You'll need to demonstrate that you can consistently deliver good outcomes for retail consumers. Make sure you read everything below before you apply to ensure that your application goes smoothly.
Our how to apply page explains:
You must read this page in full before submitting your application through our Connect system.
Along with your application form, you'll need to provide a range of supporting documentation depending on your type of firm. This includes your:
Check what supporting material you need to include.
Review the letters we've sent to your sector.
This includes our Dear CEO letter that focuses on how you should implement our Consumer Duty, which requires your firm to put its customers’ needs first.
Our how to apply page explains:
You must read this page in full before submitting your application through our Connect system.
Along with your application form, you'll need to provide a range of supporting documentation depending on your type of firm. This includes your:
Check what supporting material you need to include.
Review the letters we've sent to your sector.
This includes our Dear CEO letter that focuses on how you should implement our Consumer Duty, which requires your firm to put its customers’ needs first.
You'll either have to apply for Limited Permission or Full Permission, depending on the regulated activities you engage in and the circumstances in which you carry them out. You'll select one of these options when you start your application on Connect.
Limited Permission firms only carry out certain credit-related activities, so are subject to fewer threshold conditions (our minimum standards) than other firms. All other firms are Full Permission firms. Whether you're applying for Limited or Full Permission, the application process is the same.
How to determine whether you need Limited or Full Permission
Consumer credit lending is only Limited Permission if it's carried on by:
Consumer hire is Limited Permission. This means firms that only ever enter into consumer hire agreements and exercise, or have the right to exercise, the owners’ rights and duties under a consumer hire agreement are Limited Permission firms.
If you're already authorised to carry on non-consumer credit activities (eg you're an insurance or mortgage broker), you'll continue to be a Full Permission firm regardless of which consumer credit activities you carry on.
Common misunderstandings about Limited Permission
Remember that if none the criteria above apply to your firm, you'll be a Full Permission firm.
Here are some common scenarios in which applicants apply to be Limited Permission by mistake – if any of these points apply to you, you'll be a Full Permission firm:
You'll submit your application through our Connect system, so make sure you register.
Your application must include your:
We also expect to see some specific documents that are tailored to what your firm plans to do.
For mainstream consumer credit lenders
For high-cost lenders
High-cost short-term credit providers
We expect to see how your firm will comply with our price cap and rules on CPAs and refinancing.
Logbook loan providers
We expect to see that features of the products are transparent and clear to consumers, as well as whether all fees and charges are explained, along with a full disclosure that the title of vehicles transfer to the firm and so it can repossess without a court order.
Home collected credit providers
We expect to see whether there are sufficient controls/oversight over collectors/agents in customers’ homes, and whether point-of-sale information including agreement and pre-contract information provide sufficient detail and are adequately explained to customers.
We expect to see the firm’s loan-to-value ratios and whether they exceed the National Pawnbrokers Association (NPA) recommendations, details of all fees and charges, the approach to pawning multiple items, and whether the credit agreements comply with the Agreement Regulations, which include specific provisions for the content of pawn agreements.
We also expect to see how the firm keeps pawned items safe and how it obtains the true value of items, the approach to surplus when an unredeemed pledge is sold above the redemption value, and the approach to tacking financial crime.
You should confirm whether you'll be joining the NPA, and and make clear whether you intend to collect any shortfalls between the price the pledge is sold for and the loan that was granted, as this is key to determining whether our affordability rules apply or not.
Guarantor loan providers
We expect to see how the firm will ensure guarantors fully understand they will become liable for the debt if the borrower stops paying, and that point of sale information including agreement and pre-contract information is sufficiently detailed. Additionally, we expect to see details of all fees and charges, the approach to relending and the use of CPAs, as well as how the firm will calculate redress for upheld complaints.
For motor finance providers
For retail finance providers
Credit risk, affordability, arrears and forbearance (in your supporting material)
Please pay particular attention to this section on the supporting material page.
As a lender, we expect to see policies and processes that clearly demonstrate how you'll:
You must answer all questions on the application honestly, including on Form As, and provide us with full information regarding any disclosures you make, including details about any removals you've had from lender or product providers’ panels.
If in doubt, let us know as much as possible, even if it may not seem relevant.
If you don't disclose something, we take this very seriously and may consider it to be evidence of dishonesty and/or lack of integrity.
You have to pay a fee to submit your application. The fee is non-refundable.
If you're applying for:
Mainstream consumer credit lender
Find out more about our authorisation fees, including our pricing categories and how to pay.
Before you submit everything on Connect, give it one more check to be sure you've included everything.
Our how to apply page has 3 top tips to ensure your application goes smoothly, and explains what happens after you've submitted it.
Please contact us on 0300 500 0597. We're open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 9am to 5pm, and Thursday 9.45am to 5pm.